Personal Finance Blog for Retirement and Investment Advice

Get all your questions about Bank On Yourself answered – Live Webinar

You’ve been reading about Bank On Yourself. You may have thought about trying the program. But you might have questions like…

  • “I don’t totally get how the concept works.”
  • “How can I be sure this is really legitimate?”
  • “Could this really work for me in my situation? How can I find out, without actually meeting with a Bank On Yourself Professional or feeling obligated?”

That’s why I’d like to invite you to join me and three of the most experienced Bank On Yourself Professionals in the country (learn why only 200 financial representatives have met the rigorous requirements) for a no-holds-barred online event where you can get all your questions answered anonymously.

Space on this online event is limited, so reserve your spot here now. [Read more…] “Get all your questions about Bank On Yourself answered – Live Webinar”

5 Financial Myths that Are Destroying Your Wealth

The problem isn’t so much what people don’t know, the problem is what people think they know that just ain’t so.”
— Will Rogers

Remember when you were absolutely certain about something that turned out to be false? Like Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy. Or how about the witch that hides under your bed waiting to attack so you have to flip the light switch then spring into your bed before she gets you? (Okay, maybe that one’s just me.)

In honor of National Financial Literacy Month, let me just debunk a few “things you know that just ain’t so”:

1. You’ll come out ahead by deferring your taxes, and that’s one of the prime benefits of retirement plans such as 401(k)s and IRAs

[Read more…] “5 Financial Myths that Are Destroying Your Wealth”

Why a Little Financial Information is Dangerous

Just cuz you’re following a well-marked trail doesn’t mean that whoever made it knew where they were goin’.”
— Texas Bix Bender

I respect people who are self-educated, and I respect people who continue to educate themselves about various topics, even after they’ve finished their degrees. As legendary basketball coach John Wooden used to say, “It’s what you learn after you know it all that really matters.”

That said, a little financial self-education can go a long way – toward completely destroying your financial future!

Why? Because when you cobble together your financial education with bits and pieces of advice you see on the internet, read in articles or hear on TV, you’re not really building a strong foundation of financial literacy. It’s like that old story of the 12 blind monks and the elephant. Each monk felt a different part of the elephant and used just that part to figure out what the whole animal looked like!

So one blind monk tells you to pay off all your credit debt ASAP, while another tells you that you need to build up a rainy day fund. One insists that you max out your 401(k), while another says to secure your future by paying off your mortgage. And the blind monk standing at the elephant’s tail thinks the economy stinks – so you need to get yourself a stash of precious metals!

When it comes to personal finances, you really need to see the whole elephant

[Read more…] “Why a Little Financial Information is Dangerous”

The Checklist: What You Need to Know Before You Commit to a Financial Product or Plan

People are quick to dispense advice on any subject, regardless of their qualifications. Most people don’t even distinguish between ‘opinion’ and ‘knowledge’. That’s why you must.”
— Dan Kennedy

Your Uncle Vinnie corners you at the Sunday barbeque: “You got to get on board! It’s like buying into Microsoft in the ’80’s.” Your dentist tells you to open wide and “You gotta check out this once in a lifetime opportunity. It’s the mother lode!” Your golf buddy swears she’s found the “ultimate tax shelter.” Your financial representative calls with an exciting new financial product “that will get you 15% plus annual returns with little or no risk!”

Whatcha gonna do?

Hey, I’ve spent 25 years investigating over 450 financial products and vehicles. The research was intense and required sleuthing skills that probably qualify me for CSI. I can tell you that, though these products were sparkly and seductive on paper, 99.9% of them didn’t stand up to scrutiny!

I’m guessing you don’t have the time or inclination to put in that kind of effort. But to protect your family’s financial future, you need to get answers to at least a few basic questions before you (and your money) jump in: [Read more…] “The Checklist: What You Need to Know Before You Commit to a Financial Product or Plan”

It’s National Financial Literacy Month – Do You Know Your Financial IQ?

April is National Financial Literacy Month, and here at Bank On Yourself, we’re doing our part to give Americans the knowledge and skills they need to make smarter financial decisions.

As President Obama noted in a 2011 Proclamation supporting National Financial Literacy Month, “We must strive to ensure all Americans have the skills to manage their fiscal resources effectively and avoid deceptive or predatory practices.”

And the Senate resolved in 2012 that “increased financial literacy empowers individuals to make wise financial decisions and reduces the confusion caused by an increasingly complex economy.”

Wow! I think “complex economy” may be an understatement!

So we’ve put together a quick 20-question quiz here that increases your understanding of the most critical things you need to know about managing your money, investing, and planning for a secure retirement. [Read more…] “It’s National Financial Literacy Month – Do You Know Your Financial IQ?”

Can You Put a Lump Sum into a Bank On Yourself Plan?

Updated April, 2020

One of the most-asked questions we get is about whether you can pay a larger amount of premium into a Bank On Yourself policy in the early years, to supercharge the growth.

The answer is “yes,” and the big advantage is that it allows you faster access to a higher amount of cash value that you can use for a variety of purposes.

Here are three common situations where people do “lump sum” funding of their plans…

Situation #1: A Better Place for Your “Safe Money”

[Read more…] “Can You Put a Lump Sum into a Bank On Yourself Plan?”

Is it Too Late? Am I Too Old to Benefit from Bank On Yourself?

One of the most-asked questions we got on our recent “Ask the Bank On Yourself Professionals” live online event was when is it “too late” to start a Bank On Yourself plan?

A number of people said things like…

I’m only 10 years away from retiring. Can I still benefit from this?”

In most cases, the answer is “yes.” In fact, one of the Bank On Yourself Professionals who presented during the event walked us through a case study of a couple who became Bank On Yourself policy owners at the ages of 59 and 60.

Happy Retirement
Is it too late for a comfortable retirement?

I started my own biggest plan yet last year when I was 61. (Oops! I just gave away my age!) And people older than I start new Bank On Yourself plans, as well.

The Bank On Yourself Professionals are masters at structuring plans to meet their clients’ unique situation and goals – and they have a LOT of flexibility in plan design.

But there’s also a different kind of Bank On Yourself dividend-paying whole life insurance policy that I call a “Bank On Yourself for Seniors plan.”

This involves a one-time lump-sum premium payment, and then you pay no more premiums – ever.

These plans are available for people up to age 85, and even come with a FREE long-term care benefit for stays in a long-term care facility or for home health care, in most states. [Read more…] “Is it Too Late? Am I Too Old to Benefit from Bank On Yourself?”

Can you Roll Over your 401(k) or IRA into a Bank On Yourself Plan?

Updated April, 2020

One common question we get is…

“Can I roll over funds from my 401(k)/IRA/403(b)/TSA into a Bank On Yourself policy – and what are the tax consequences?”

Moving money from a conventional tax-deferred retirement account into a Bank On Yourself policy is a common method people use to fund a policy.  It’s not technically a “rollover,” since you can only do that from one 401(k) or IRA to another.  Here’s how it works… [Read more…] “Can you Roll Over your 401(k) or IRA into a Bank On Yourself Plan?”

How Sequence of Return Risk Can Devastate Your Retirement Lifestyle

There are three words that could have the biggest impact on whether you enjoy a comfortable retirement… or you have to struggle and forego life’s luxuries – and even life’s necessities.

But almost no one is talking about these three words. And there’s a good chance you’ve never even heard of them.

These three words could have more impact on your retirement lifestyle than living longer than you expected… or than being forced to retire sooner than you planned (which happens to nearly 50% of Americans, according to the Employee Benefit Research Institute).

The three words may sound a little technical, but I’m going to make them brain-dead simple to understand. [Read more…] “How Sequence of Return Risk Can Devastate Your Retirement Lifestyle”

Slacker’s Guide to Goal Setting

Many of us spend half our time wishing for things we could have if we didn’t spend half our time wishing.”
– Alexander Woollcott

It’s still early in the year and time to set our bright and shiny new goals for the next twelve months, often with the grand title of “New Year’s Resolutions.”

Give me a break!

Aren’t we busy and stressed enough just trying to keep up with where and what we are without the added effort of trying to make our lives better? Why waste our time going after goals when we can put our feet up and watch new episodes of The Good Wife?

Besides, if we set goals, our lives might actually change – and who likes change? We’re all comfy cozy with our current problems and headaches. Why rock the boat?

However, you might be surrounded by obnoxiously chipper goal setters and goal getters harassing you to join them. Ugh!

To keep them off your back so you can join that happy 40% of people who set New Year’s Resolutions and fail within the first month, I’ve come up with some sure-fire tips:

The Slacker’s Guide to Goal Setting

Follow these pointers and you’ll never, ever have to worry about goals mucking up your perfect life! [Read more…] “Slacker’s Guide to Goal Setting”