Personal Finance Blog for Retirement and Investment Advice

Busting the Bank On Yourself high commission myth

There is no shortage of myths or misconceptions about Bank On Yourself or the specially designed whole life insurance policies used for this safe and proven wealth-building method.

Spilling the beans
Spilling the beans on the myth that financial representatives sell whole life policies for the large commissions

One of the most commonly repeated myths is that financial representatives only sell whole life policies because they receive large commissions for doing so.

Often, that accusation comes from financial planners, investment advisors and money managers who want you to invest in the stock market, instead.

When you watch the video below, you’re going to be shocked to discover that the financial representative who manages your money in the stock market is making at least TEN TIMES MORE than the Bank On Yourself Professional, if the same amount of money is contributed each year! (And Bank On Yourself Professionals receive 50-70% less commission than financial representatives who structure policies the traditional way.)

Maybe that’s the kind of thing Mark Twain had in mind when he said…

A lie can circle the globe in the time it takes truth to put on its shoes”

And for pocketing TEN TIMES MORE of your hard-earned savings, what guarantees does your financial planner or money manager give you? Do they guarantee you that you’ll have a certain amount of money when you’re ready to start taking income from your savings? No! In fact, if you ask them that question, they’ll laugh you out of their office!
[Read more…] “Busting the Bank On Yourself high commission myth”

Five Tax Advantages of a Bank On Yourself Policy for 2024


You’ve probably heard the old joke about the guy who hears a knock on his door, opens it, and there’s a man who says…

I’m from the IRS and I’m here to help you!”

Well, there are times when the IRS is trying to help you… and when it comes to the Bank On Yourself method, there are at least five ways they do that.

With the caveat that I’m not a CPA or accountant, nor have I ever played one on TV, here are five ways Bank On Yourself could save you thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes over your lifetime…

Bank On Yourself Tax Advantage #1:  Tax-Free Retirement Savings Withdrawals

[Read more…] “Five Tax Advantages of a Bank On Yourself Policy for 2024”

Shocking New Report Wall Street Doesn’t Want You To See

I’m holding in my hands a hot-off-the-press Report from the well-respected research firm, DALBAR, Inc., about the actual returns investors have been getting in the stock market over the last 20 years. The news is shocking, but should make sense if you’ve been having the feeling your investment accounts aren’t rising at the rate the market has been…

  • The average equity fund investor has gotten less than half of the return of the S&P 500 over the last two decades – beating inflation by less than 1% per year
  • The average fixed income investor got – you should probably sit down for thisonly 15% of the return of the related benchmark (Barclay’s Aggregate Bond Index)
  • The typical asset allocation investor got less than 30% of the return of the S&P 500 – 2.12% per year to be exact – and didn’t even keep up with inflation!

So… was that worth all the roller coaster ups and downs and sleepless nights?

[Read more…] “Shocking New Report Wall Street Doesn’t Want You To See”

How to Finance Your Business Yourself

Many business owners and professionals pay considerable sums of money to banks and credit card companies to finance or lease equipment, vehicles, office buildings and more.


That’s money you’ll never see again!


It also requires you to fill out reams of nosy paperwork, pledge your first born child… and still have no guarantee you’ll get the capital you need for your business (even if you have perfect credit)!

What if you could bypass banks, finance and credit card companies altogether and become your own source of financing for your business?

The good news is that you can!  You can use the same method famous people like Walt Disney, J.C. Penney and others used when no banker would lend them a dime.

When you use the Bank On Yourself method, you can…

  • Fire your banker and seize control over your business finances
  • Use your money and still have it working for you
  • Recapture the interest you would  have paid to others
  • Grow a guaranteed and predictable income stream in retirement
  • Pay little or no taxes on it, under current tax law

This video reveals how it works and includes a case study, including how much was paid into the plan, how the plan was used for financing and how much retirement income it provides.

Click the play button below to watch the video…



Find out the bottom-line numbers and results you could have if you added the Bank On Yourself method to your financial plan when you request your FREE Business Owner Analysis.

Discover how much more control you’ll have over your money and how much more wealth you could have – guaranteed – without the risk of stocks, real estate and other investments.

If you’re not a business owner and want to become your own source of financing…

Almost anyone can use the Bank On Yourself method to become their own source of financing for major purchases like cars, vacations, home renovations, college educations and more!  This video shows you how.

Love and Money: How to Increase Financial Intimacy with Your Partner

Do you keep “spending secrets” from your spouse or significant other?

Has a difference in how much risk you’re comfortable taking with your investments and retirement savings caused friction in your relationship?

Do you feel envious at times of friends, neighbors or family members who have more wealth than you do?

If you were a lot wealthier, would your sex life change in any significant way?

Love & Money
Love & Money

[Read more…] “Love and Money: How to Increase Financial Intimacy with Your Partner”

Best retirement plan alternative?

I can’t afford to be a risk taker any more”

Worried Senior

…says 75-year-old Margie Alford of Austin, Texas.  Yet, Margie’s financial planner is moving her CD money into stocks instead, after fruitlessly waiting for three years for interest rates to rise.

Worried Senior

Low interest rates of the past several years have taken a toll on U.S. savers.  “The Fed has removed the last shred of possibility that interest rates will revert to normal in the near future,” according to Christopher Carroll, profession at Johns Hopkins University.1

As a result, retirees are taking on more risk… at a time they can least afford to.

With interest rates on CD’s, saving and money market accounts not even keeping up with inflation, what other options do you have?

The Bank On Yourself solution…

[Read more…] “Best retirement plan alternative?”

Take Our Love and Money Financial Self-Assessment

Money is the leading cause of marital and relationship troubles.  Do you think you and your partner are compatible when it comes to finances?

Money is the leading cause of marital and relationship troubles
40% of married couples have serious, recurring arguments about money

According to a Survey by American Express, 91% of couples avoid even talking about finances, household expenses and debt with their partner.1 Twelve percent said they’ve never talked about money with their spouse and some of the 2000 U.S. adults that participated indicated they knew their partner’s weight but not their salary.

Money is the leading cause of marital and relationship troubles
40% of married couples have serious, recurring arguments about money

All is fair in love and war…

  • Money causes more stress than intimacy (11%), children (9%) and in-laws (4%) and 40% of married couples have serious, recurring arguments about money
  • 27% of respondents misrepresented the amount of a purchase to their partner
  • 30% have hidden purchases from their partner
  • 56% of couples felt they have made a financial mistake in their relationship, ranging from spending too much on their wedding to buying a house at the top of the market

If they could go back in time…

[Read more…] “Take Our Love and Money Financial Self-Assessment”

10 Ways to Invest in Yourself in 2012

Guest Contributor Casey Slide lives in Atlanta and is a columnist for the Money Crashers finance site, where she writes about money management and personal development.

The older I get, the quicker time seems to pass. A year feels like mere months, and a day passes in the blink of an eye. I often become so caught up in daily life and its many distractions that I often forget to take care of myself. Perhaps if I treated my needs as if they were investments, I might make some changes and refocus my priorities.

This year, learn to invest in yourself. You’ll be sure to improve your finances, as well as your quality of life.

Fill Your Time With Value-Adding Activities

To truly invest in yourself, stop wasting time with frivolity and engage yourself with life-enriching activities. Things you can fit into your daily schedule to add value to your life include:

Read More Books

1. Read More Books

Look for books about personal finance, health and well-being, business, or any other topic of interest that could make you a better person or enable you to make better decisions. As long as you continue to educate yourself and expand your wisdom, you’ve chosen the right books.

In addition, keep updated on current events by reading a trustworthy news website. When you become informed, you become a well-rounded, knowledgeable person who makes educated decisions.

Read More Books

2. Focus on Your Health

[Read more…] “10 Ways to Invest in Yourself in 2012”

Video: Why you need the Dow to be at 27,000 today

When do you think the Dow will hit 27,000?

Does that seem like a crazy or dumb question?

If you bought into Wall Street’s mantra that as long as you invest for the long haul you’ll come out ahead, you need to watch this video today.

Click the play button below to see the shocking truth Wall Street doesn’t want you to know…


Are you ready to do something different?

If you’re ready to find out how the Bank On Yourself method can give you the financial security and predictability you want and deserve, take the first step right now by requesting a free Bank On Yourself Analysis.

You’ll also get a referral to one of only 200 financial representatives in the country who have met the rigorous requirements to be a Bank On Yourself Professional, who can answer your questions and show you how much your financial picture could improve when you add Bank On Yourself to your financial plan.

The Ultimate Wealth-Building and Retirement Strategy… Whether the Market Goes Up, Down or Sideways

Have you been disappointed by your 401(k), IRA or other retirement plan?  Conventional wisdom tells us these plans are the best way to save and invest for retirement. Yet following this advice has resulted in financial insecurity for most Americans.

Because of this, most baby boomers have been forced to postpone retirement an average of five years.1

I’m often asked how using the Bank On Yourself method to save for retirement compares to traditional plans, so I put together this short video that reveals seven reasons Bank On Yourself makes an excellent retirement plan alternative.

Click the play button in the video below and see how many of these seven advantages you’d like to have in your financial plan…


The Ultimate Wealth-Building and Retirement Strategy… Whether the Market Goes Up, Down or Sideways

Would you like to find out how big your nest-egg could grow – guaranteed – if you added Bank On Yourself to your financial plan? No two plans are alike – yours would be custom-tailored to your unique situation, goals and dreams. To find out what your bottom-line numbers would be, request a FREE, no-obligation Analysis today.

If you’re wondering where you’ll find the money to fund your plan, keep in mind the Bank On Yourself Professionals are masters at helping people restructure their finances to free up money to fund a plan. Here are the eight most common places they look.

When you request your FREE Analysis, you’ll get a referral to one of only 200 financial representatives who have met the rigorous training and requirements to be a Bank On Yourself Professional. They’ll show you why Bank On Yourself is the ultimate wealth-building and retirement strategy… whether the market goes up, down or sideways.

1.  Bankers Life and Casualty Center for a Secure Retirement, May 2011