Category: Financial Planning

Six Frequently Asked Questions about Bank On Yourself


I thought you might find it helpful to have the answers to the six questions about Bank On Yourself we’re most often asked – right at your fingertips.


How many of these questions have you been wondering about?

FAQ?FAQ #1: How does Bank On Yourself compare with traditional investing and savings strategies?

You can compare the Bank On Yourself method to traditional investments here, including stocks and mutual funds, a 401(k), a ROTH plan, real estate, gold, commodities and several other investments.

If there’s a different financial product or strategy that you think can match or beat the Bank On Yourself method, I encourage you to take the $100,000 Challenge. If you’re right, you could pick up an easy $100K!

FAQ?FAQ #2: How does Bank On Yourself let you recapture every penny you pay for major purchases like cars, vacations, business equipment or a college education?

I’ve summarized this in a short video overview of how Bank On Yourself works.

However, for a more detailed explanation, you’ll want to review Chapters 2, 6, and pages 52-54 of my best-selling book, Bank On Yourself. If you don’t have the book, we offer a 35% discount on it.

FAQ?FAQ #3: I’ve heard people like Dave Ramsey and Suze Orman say whole life insurance is a lousy place to put your money. Is a Bank On Yourself-type policy different from the kind they’re talking about?

[Read more…] “Six Frequently Asked Questions about Bank On Yourself”

7 Really Scary Facts about Your 401(k)

Before you put another penny in a 401(k), find out what the government and your employer aren’t telling you that will scare the living daylights out of you! Here are seven frightening facts you should know about 401(k)s…

Frightening 401(k) Fact #1:

Your employer can – and probably is – making risky decisions on how to invest your money for you – without your knowledge or approval.


Watch Pamela Yellen being interviewed about the problems with 401(k)s on the #1 TV station in Los Angeles


Watch Pamela Yellen being interviewed about the problems with 401(k)s on the #1 TV station in Los Angeles

Many employers are now automatically directing more of your pay into your 401(k)… and automatically moving it into more risky investments – even if you had previously chosen your own investments!

And most of that money is being re-directed into “target-date” funds, which lost so much money during the last market crash, it sparked scrutiny from lawmakers and regulators. Many funds for people who pinned their hopes on retiring in one year had losses far exceeding 20%, and some funds suffered losses of 32 to 41 percent, according to Morningstar.

Shockingly, stock allocations among those funds were found to be 26%-72% of assets!

Not to mention that the fees charged by target-date funds are “significantly higher than those charged by other funds on plans’ investment menus”.

(Source: “Companies take reins of workers’ 401k’s”,, October 10, 2009)

The growth in a Bank on Yourself policy is both guaranteed and exponential. You can predict the minimum guaranteed value of the plan on the day you want to tap into it, and every point along the way.

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Frightening 401(k) Fact #2:

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The important decisions about your 401(k) are made by someone with no training or education in most companies.

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Dow 36,000? What were they smoking?


Ten years ago this week, the book, “Dow 36,000: The New Strategy for Profiting from the Coming Rise in the Stock Market” was published.


It became a best-seller. And, according to a recent article in the Wall Street Journal titled “Lessons of a Bull Market That Never Happened” (9/20/09):

Back then, the only people subject to sustained derision on Wall Street were those who dissented. Anyone who warned that shares might disappoint was ignored. The few predicting a crash — let alone two — were considered cranks.

Yet, in spite of the current stock market rally – one of the steepest in history – the Dow is STILL below where it stood in September 1999!

How many times during those years were your hopes raised, only to be dashed again and again?

Wall Street has some “dirty little secrets” they don’t want you to know about, but I reveal them all here.

Interestingly, one of the authors of that book recently said he still believes the Dow will hit 36,000.  Meanwhile, there’s some guy now predicting the Dow will go down to 1,000!

What do YOU think will happen… and why? You can voice your thoughts below…