Please email me my
Consumer Guide to a Guaranteed Lifetime Income!
Pamela Yellen
Financial Security Expert, Consumer Advocate and New York Times Best-Selling Author
What the Experts are Saying About the Solution Revealed in this Guide…
“It’s the only true form of retirement income security – a check that does not stop until one dies.”
– Employee Benefit Research Institute
“This is a retirement account with airbags.”
– Wall Street Journal
“Your payouts will continue no matter what happens in the stock market or how long you live.”
Free Consumer Guide to Making Your Money Last as Long as You Do – Even if You Live to 120!
If you’ve ever worried about running out of money in retirement, you’re not alone. The #1 retirement fear of Americans is running out of money, and 50% of us share that fear.
There’s good reason to be afraid of that because the average 65-year-old will outlive his or her savings by almost a decade, according to the World Economic Forum.
It wasn’t all that long ago that we didn’t need to worry about this. Most people could count on a company pension that ensured them a paycheck for life – no matter what the market did or how long they lived.
Not anymore… guaranteed pensions have pretty much gone the way of the dodo bird, and today most of us are left to figure it out for ourselves using 401(k)s, IRAs and similar plans.
The Result Has Been Disastrous, as Most Experts Agree…
Most pre-retirees have only a fraction of the money they’ll need to live a comfortable lifestyle in retirement. And they have no clue how much they can withdraw from their retirement accounts each year and still be confident they’ll never run out of money.
Instead of a worry-free retirement, many live in fear of…
- Having to choose between putting food on the table or paying for life-saving medical treatment and prescriptions
- Being unable to pay for heating and cooling your home, a major appliance breaking down, or a roof that needs to be replaced
- Being dependent on your children and other relatives
- Living in “voluntary poverty” because you’re afraid you’ll spend down your nest egg too fast
Fortunately, There IS a Solution, and All the Details Are Revealed in this Guide
This solution is “the only true form of retirement income security – a check that does not stop until one dies,” according to the Employee Benefit Research Institute.
The Wall Street Journal calls the solution detailed in this Guide, “A retirement account with airbags.” And AARP points out, “Your payouts will continue no matter what happens in the stock market or how long you live.”
Please email me my
Consumer Guide to a Guaranteed Lifetime Income!
This Guide Reveals How People from Age 40 to 90 Can Benefit from This Proven Strategy and…
- How you could transform $250,000 into $654,000 of guaranteed income – with NO market risk (page 11)
- How to guarantee you’ll have an income that will last until you (or you and your spouse or significant other) die – even if you live to 120 (page 8)
- Eight tax advantages this strategy has over government-sponsored retirement accounts, CDs and money market accounts (page 14)
- How to receive growth on your retirement savings that’s tied to the upside performance of the stock market… without ever being invested in the market… and with no risk of loss when the market is down (page 7)
- How to do a tax-free rollover of your 401(k) or IRA… or a tax-free transfer of your CDs and money market accounts into a guaranteed lifetime income strategy (page 14)
You’ll also read the stories of people like you who are using this proven strategy to gain financial peace of mind for life, flexibility, control… and far more guaranteed lifetime income than they would have received otherwise.
For example, on page 12 you’ll discover how Blanca and José turned an employer’s offer of $12,000 a year for life into an increasing guaranteed income that could grow to $52,000 a year.
I encourage you to get your free copy of this Consumer Guide now, while it’s fresh on your mind. Find out how to take the guesswork out of making your money last as long as you do!
I encourage you to get your free copy of this Consumer Guide now, while it’s fresh on your mind. Find out how to take the guesswork out of making your money last as long as you do!
Pamela Yellen
Financial Security Expert, Consumer Advocate and New York Times Best-Selling Author
What the Experts are Saying About the Solution Revealed in this Guide…
“It’s the only true form of retirement income security – a check that does not stop until one dies.”
– Employee Benefit Research Institute
“This is a retirement account with airbags.”
– Wall Street Journal
“Your payouts will continue no matter what happens in the stock market or how long you live.”