Endorsements (and Future Endorsements!)
Bank on Yourself has earned the endorsements of some very prominent leaders in wealth preservation and financial management.
We also know that more endorsements are on their way. Any reasonable adult who takes the time to learn about Bank on Yourself will come around to recognizing this method for its unique strengths. More than 500,000 people are successfully using this method right now. Listen to some of their stories.
Here are a few experts who have already jumped on the bandwagon. In fact, some of them have been using this method for decades!

“You have articulated well a rather secret technique in
Bank On Yourself, which few insurance professionals know and implement. I have been an estate, business and charitable planning attorney for over 45 years and spend considerable time teaching advanced estate planning law, business law and charitable law. From my experience I can say that what you are proposing is a very avant garde technique that we and
select life insurance professionals have used for some time. It was delightful to discover that you and your experimental laboratory are sanctioning the same techniques we have perfected in our research laboratory.
The idea of turning a life insurance policy into a more flexible Roth IRA substitute, when estates both large and small are involved, is a real winner. The technique also enables setting up asset protection, stand-by emergency money and tax and administrative savings. Bravo, bravissimo!”
-John Goodson, LLB, Senior Attorney

“One smart financial move can turn out to be more profitable than a lifetime of work, so you may want to carefully study the book’s concepts. As a former Bank President, I encourage you to be your own source of financing and
Bank On Yourself may be the tool you need.”
–Somers White, former Bank President and State Senator, holding a Harvard Business School MBA, internationally respected expert on management, marketing, negotiating and mergers and acquisitions

“I’ve used the
Bank On Yourself wealth-building method for the past eleven years to get back what I pay for my cars, along with interest I was paying financial institutions, as a ready source of capital to expand my business, and to help finance a real estate investment. It’s safe, proven and should be part of any solid financial foundation – and I recommend it to responsible people who want to take control of their money and finances.”
– Garrett Gunderson, New York Times best-selling author of Killing Sacred Cows
Future Endorsements?
It’s just a matter of time before everybody’s favorite financial pundits and gurus come around to endorsing Bank on Yourself!

How many times can Dave Ramsey say “Buy term and invest the difference!” before someone calls him on the carpet over the “invest” part? Those long-term mutual fund investments haven’t worked out for many people and the
stock market timeline doesn’t suggest that things will be turning around any time soon.
Research shows that the typical equity fund investor has been
losing 1% each year over the last 20 years, adjusted for inflation.
This spot is RESERVED for when Dave Ramsey pulls his head out of the sand and takes the time to understand what Bank on Yourself is. He’s a smart guy. He’ll come around.

How about Suze Orman? How has her advice worked out? She can pack a room, but can she really keep your principal intact? We really share many of the same values as these pundits, encouraging people to spend less than they earn. To practice discipline. So, why do they insist that any type of life insurance besides term is a waste of money? Could it be that they are simply misinformed? Fewer than 1 in 1,000 financial planners fully understands this trusted and true method of growing and protecting wealth.
This spot is RESERVED for Suze Orman when she finally opens her eyes to the simple truth of how Bank on Yourself can help her fans grow a nest-egg safely and predictably!
Pamela Yellen challenges Suze and Dave to a debate!
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If you are concerned about how you will come up with the money to get started. Here are 8 ways you may be able to find dollars to fund your plan.