Money is the leading cause of marital and relationship troubles. Do you think you and your partner are compatible when it comes to finances?
40% of married couples have serious, recurring arguments about money
According to a Survey by American Express, 91% of couples avoid even talking about finances, household expenses and debt with their partner.1 Twelve percent said they’ve never talked about money with their spouse and some of the 2000 U.S. adults that participated indicated they knew their partner’s weight but not their salary.
40% of married couples have serious, recurring arguments about money
All is fair in love and war…
Money causes more stress than intimacy (11%), children (9%) and in-laws (4%) and 40% of married couples have serious, recurring arguments about money
27% of respondents misrepresented the amount of a purchase to their partner
30% have hidden purchases from their partner
56% of couples felt they have made a financial mistake in their relationship, ranging from spending too much on their wedding to buying a house at the top of the market