Your Money Revolution Video Clip: How Mutual Fund Fees are Devouring Your Savings

For the past year, I’ve been working full-time on creating a comprehensive go-at-your-own-pace coaching program designed to eliminate your biggest money worries – and let you take back control of your financial destiny.

I call it “Your Money Revolution,” and initial response to the program has been terrific.

Today I’m excited to share a 5-minute excerpt from this new program with my loyal subscribers.

I want you to be able to see for yourself how truly life changing the information, tools and strategies that I’ve packed into this program can be.

This 5-minute video excerpt deals with how the fees you’re paying in the mutual funds or ETF’s you own in a retirement or investment account may be draining far more of your account value than you realize. [Read more…] “Your Money Revolution Video Clip: How Mutual Fund Fees are Devouring Your Savings”

Pamela’s untold story (about the elephant and circus)

Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” – T. S. Eliot

Some people have skeletons in their closet. Me? I’ve got a few friendly ghosts, memories of times when I’ve been a little wild and crazy. When I tell friends about these times, I usually get a stunned look and a “You did what!?!”

But each of my adventures, whether voluntary or involuntary, has taught me something.

Like the time that a skin-tight gold-sequined circus costume, a fundraiser for breast cancer research, and an elephant landed me on national television.

woman juggling on elephant

Maybe I should start from the beginning…

It starts out very “normally.” Back in 1987, I was thirty-something and single, living in Sarasota, Florida, the land of retirees and snowbirds. Now Sarasota is a lovely place, but unless you’re already collecting Social Security, it isn’t the best place to find eligible bachelors. So I did what any red-blooded American woman would do:

woman juggling on elephant

“I decided to buy a man”

[Read more…] “Pamela’s untold story (about the elephant and circus)”

Stock Market Investors: Are Ya feelin’ lucky?

The major stock market indexes have fallen to levels not seen for 12 years – since 1997.


Of course, inflation during that period has reduced the value of your dollars by at least 36%.


The reality is that most Americans have been digging themselves deeper into a financial hole every year, with no way of knowing how long it will take to crawl out.

[Read more…] “Stock Market Investors: Are Ya feelin’ lucky?”