Unlocking the Secrets of the “Swiss Army Knife”
of the Financial World


Take a Positive Step

Request Your FREE, No-Obligation Analysis and Recommendations and Discover…

  • The guaranteed minimum value of your plan on the day you plan to tap into it… and at every point along the way
  • How much income you can count on having during your retirement years
  • How to enjoy TAX-FREE retirement income and protect yourself from the coming tax tsunami
  • How much you could increase your lifetime wealth by becoming your own source of financing to make major purchases
  • How to achieve your financial goals and dreams in the shortest time possible—without taking any unnecessary risks
  • 8 ways to find the money to fund your plan—sometimes at no additional out-of-pocket cost

Take a Positive Step

Over 500,000 people are using the Bank On Yourself strategy to achieve lifetime financial security and independence…

When I first heard about this strategy, I thought it was another investment scheme and almost didn’t look into it. I’m glad I overcame my concerns – it is now the pillar in our financial plan.”
– Robert Chambers, Jr.
Retired Naval Commander, Carmel, CA

I no longer have to ask for permission to use my savings.”
– David Shelton
Healthcare V.P., Ft Worth, TX

This gives you a powerful and emancipating feeling.”
– Joe Goldsmith
Teacher, Boston, MA

See more Bank On Yourself reviews and success stories here.