Pamela Yellen interviewed by Pete Weitzner on Chapman Business Report (11:50 minutes) May 9, 2014
Bank On Yourself: Interview with Pamela Yellen
Pete Weitzner interviews the New York Times Best Selling author and Financial Security Expert, Pamela Yellen, who is out with her latest book, The Bank On Yourself Revolution, Fire Your Banker, Bypass Wall Street and Take Control of Your Own Financial Future. Pamela, who has a background of over 25 years working as a business-building consultant to financial representatives, presents methods of saving for retirement. She has researched and investigated more than 450 different financial products and strategies while searching for ways to grow wealth safely and predictably. Pamela has found that the average investor knows just enough to be dangerous. She shares information about the SEC’s 230-page financial analysis findings, basic financial and investing concepts, being vulnerable to investment fraud, the Pension Protection Act and who it really protects, your 401(k) and taxes, building a foundation of safe and liquid assets for a financial foundation, dividend-paying whole life insurance, and using credit/credit cards vs. cash. Get Pamela’s Free Wealth Building Report here.