What is the Palm Beach Group? Are They Legit?

Palm Beach Research Group is a research and publishing firm that, according to its website, has “studied the secrets the rich use to amass their fortunes … and uncovered their most important alternative investing ideas.”

Palm Beach Research Group is part of Agora, Inc., a network of over 30 companies in the publishing, information services, and real estate industries.

Palm Beach Research Group Often Promotes Investments as “New” or “Unheard Of”

The strategies spotlighted by some of Agora, Inc.’s subsidiaries, including Palm Beach Research Group, are often promoted as “proprietary,” “new,” “breakthrough,” or “exclusive.” Recent articles and promotions from Palm Beach Group (another name they go by) include …

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A promotion by Palm Beach Research in May 2018 (see below) boldly proclaims, “Income Extermination Has Arrived.”

The promotion offers “breakthrough” information that “Less than 10 people in the world know.” “In the world”? That’s a number that must have been hard to count! But Palm Beach Research Group frequently claims their information is secret, new, and unknown outside their very small group.

By the way, they made a similar claim when they first “revealed” their version of Bank On Yourself. And Bank On Yourself is a strategy with two New York Times bestsellers about it! These claims by the Palm Beach Group are hyperbole and nothing more.

Back to our story: The Palm Beach Research Group concludes their May 2018 come-on by saying, “Now we’re throwing back the veil on it – so that YOU can get rich.”

Online advertisement published by Palm Beach Research Group
Online Advertisement Published by Palm Beach Research Group in May 2018
Online advertisement published by Palm Beach Research Group

Online Advertisement Published by Palm Beach Research Group in May 2018

Clicking the link in their ad will take you to a huge sales brochure. That’s not surprising, because all their pitches are very lengthy. This one is 62-pages, 10,000 words – and it’s long on glowing promises but short on real specifics. You do finally learn that the “breakthrough” is a service Palm Beach Research Group will be happy to sell you … for $2,000 … per year!

Palm Beach Research Group counts on your curiosity and desire for quick riches when they promote their wares

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The Palm Beach Group are certainly masters of marketing, and they can afford to hire the very best copywriters in the world.

The result is often overhyped strategies that are shrouded in mystery, designed to get you to pay money to find the specifics.

Some Palm Beach Letter subscribers, featured on the Palm Beach Group website and identified by first name only, say they have become wealthy as a result of the Palm Beach Research strategies.

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Palm Beach Research Group has a sorry reputation at the Better Business Bureau – and elsewhere

Other subscribers, featured on the Palm Beach Group’s complaint pages of the Better Business Bureau website and other review sites, complain of useless information, difficulty or impossibility of getting promised refunds, and testy customer service, among other concerns.

As of this writing, the BBB website lists 37 complaints filed against Palm Beach Research Group over the last three years, 20 of which were filed in the last 12 months.

Palm Beach Research Group and Their Mysterious-Sounding Bank On Yourself Copycat Promotions

We’ve been writing about Palm Beach Research Group since 2015 when they first began copying the Bank On Yourself® strategy and selling information about it – while we happily explain Bank On Yourself in a 19-page Special Report you can download for FREE right here. They don’t call it Bank On Yourself, of course. Instead, they invent exotic-sounding names that pander to the curious. Our June 5, 2015, article, “What is the Secret 770 Account and Why Do They Keep Changing Its Name?” was our first analysis of the Palm Beach Group.

A few months later, they took their rebranded version of Bank On Yourself and rebranded it again. We reported that, too, in our October 19, 2015, article, “President Reagan’s Secret 702(j) Retirement Plan – What It Is and How It Works”.

When the Palm Beach Research Group published The Big Black Book of Income Secrets, we spent the $100 they were charging for it at the time so we could give you the straight scoop for free. Read our report in “Review: What’s REALLY In ‘The Big Black Book of Income Secrets’?”.

In 2017, Palm Beach Group released an interview with Ted Benna, who is widely credited as being the Father of the 401(k) plan.

In that interview, Benna raised grave concerns about the viability of the 401(k) and revealed that he had a “new” plan, called the 501(k). And the Palm Beach Group was pitching a “new” book called The “501(k)” Plan. We wrote about it in our July 17, 2017, blog, “What Is a 501k Plan and Is It an Alternative for Saving for Retirement?”

The biggest laugh came when we paid for the new book, only to discover it’s the exact same old Big Black Book of Income Secrets book, only with a new title slapped on it! In fact, inside the book, they still refer to it as The Big Black Book of Income Secrets!

Side-by-side comparison of cover and page 11 of The “501(k)” Plan book, showing where Palm Beach Research Group forgot to change the name of the book on page 11, when they put a new cover on The Big Black Book of Income Secrets and began offering it as The “501(k)” Plan
Side-by-Side Comparison of Cover and Page 11 of The “501(k)” Plan Book
Side-by-side comparison of cover and page 11 of The “501(k)” Plan book, showing where Palm Beach Research Group forgot to change the name of the book on page 11, when they put a new cover on The Big Black Book of Income Secrets and began offering it as The “501(k)” Plan

Side-by-Side Comparison of Cover and Page 11 of The “501(k)” Plan Book

Four Problems with Palm Beach Research Group’s Restatement of the Bank On Yourself Concept

The questionable marketing tactics of the Palm Beach Group go far beyond the fact that they dusted off an old book and hawked it under a new name.

A far greater concern is that all too often their information is not accurate, and they tend to bend the truth and twist the facts.

Here are four things the Palm Beach Research Group has gotten wrong when describing whatever they’re currently calling their version of “Bank On Yourself”:

  1. The Palm Beach Research Group misunderstands and misrepresents how the growth of a life insurance policy is calculated. In doing so, they misrepresent one of the key guarantees that make this concept so strong.
  2. They grossly overinflate the benefits of these plans. When the Palm Beach Group adds a plan’s death benefit AND its cash value together and claims you get them both, the math is just as bad as this …
    Roadside sign showing the total of New Cuyama’s population, plus its elevation, plus the year it was established
    The Questionable Math of the Residents of New Cuyama Is No Worse than the Questionable Math of the Palm Beach Research Group
    Roadside sign showing the total of New Cuyama’s population, plus its elevation, plus the year it was established

    The Questionable Math of the Residents of New Cuyama Is No Worse than the Questionable Math of the Palm Beach Research Group

    … It just doesn’t add up.

  3. They miss a key way to increase the growth in your account. Without using the rider they overlooked, your policy will grow its cash value more slowly.
  4. Palm Beach Research “guarantees you’ve never heard of this idea before.” That’s a hard claim to believe, again given the fact that Bank On Yourself’s founder, Pamela Yellen, has written two New York Times bestsellers on the topic!

Get information about the Bank On Yourself concept – which Palm Beach Group calls a 501(k) plan, a 770 account, etc. – at NO cost

But you don’t have to buy Yellen’s books to get a firm grasp of the Bank On Yourself concept.

We’re happily giving away the information for free – and we’ve been doing it since long before the Palm Beach Research Group even existed!

Download our FREE 19-page Special Report, 5 Simple Steps to Bypass Wall Street, Beat the Banks at Their Own Game and Take Control of Your Financial Future right here.

And if you do want a more complete treatment than in our Special Report, don’t buy The “501(k)” Plan, with its omissions, inaccuracies, and misstatements. For about 10 bucks you can get the definitive New York Times bestseller on the topic, The Bank On Yourself Revolution.

If you’re looking for ways to get rich quick, the Palm Beach Research Group will gladly take your money

The Palm Beach Group is a place where the curious and the naïve can go to spend their money for investment strategies with mysterious-sounding names, being sold at high prices.

Just don’t count on their “money-back guarantees.” Remember all the complaints about dishonored refund requests filed with the Better Business Bureau!

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What Is Good About the Palm Beach Research Group?

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Get instant access to our FREE 18-page Special Report, 5 Simple Steps to Bypass Wall Street, Fire Your Banker, and Take Control of Your Financial Future, plus timely briefings and solutions to critical news and events that may impact your money and finances.

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Well, they do have a great concept for building wealth safely using high cash value dividend-paying whole life insurance – a concept they copied from Bank On Yourself – and which they’ll charge you a pretty penny to learn about. (You can get all the facts about the plan they copied – Bank On Yourself – at no cost, here.)

But don’t count on Palm Beach Research Group for accurate and unbiased information. They’ll charge you good money for information that is overhyped and not always accurate.

Palm Beach Research Group editor is barred from holding a securities license – for life

The integrity of the editor of The Palm Beach Research Group’s “flagship service” is clouded.

We’re talking about Teeka Tiwari, editor of The Palm Beach Letter. While the Palm Beach Group’s website describes Tiwari as “a former hedge fund manager and Wall Street executive,” it fails to reveal that this man, the Palm Beach Group’s poster child who they say “epitomizes the American dream,” has been barred for life from ever holding a securities license again.

Tiwari was accused of violating numerous Procedural and Conduct Rules of the regulatory organization, National Association of Securities Dealers.

So, caveat emptor! – Let the buyer beware!

Here’s Where You Can Go to Get Good, Reliable Information About the Bank On Yourself Method – for Free

To learn about the concept of using high cash value dividend-paying whole life insurance for guaranteed wealth-building from a reliable source, why not get in touch with the organization that perfected the strategy – and is best known for it – Bank On Yourself?

Get your copy of the FREE Special Report (we’ve never charged anyone even a penny for this!), 5 Simple Steps to Bypass Wall Street, Beat the Banks at Their Own Game and Take Control of Your Financial Future now.

Then, to discover how the Bank On Yourself strategy can work for you, as it has for well over a million other individuals, families, and businesses in the U.S. and Canada, get a free personalized analysis and recommendations. When you request your FREE Analysis, you’ll receive a referral to a Professional (one of only 200 life insurance agents in the US and Canada with advanced training on this concept) who will prepare your Analysis and Solution and answer any questions you may have.